Our Vision
Providing optimisation technologies that enable organisations to focus on what matters.
Our Mission
Build long term collaborative relationships that will enable our customers to optimise what they do through technology adoption.
About Optko
Our founders
Optko was founded by Graeme Finck and Roland Hambleton at the height of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Both Graeme and Roland, after working for many years in the corporate sector, each holding senior positions, saw a gap in the market which was unfulfilled by mainstream advisory firms and mass scale software vendors.
Our story
The global pandemic quickly highlighted those organisations which were agile and had business flexibility and those that did not. Our founders saw first hand those organisations which were not equipped to deal with the challenges brought about by a change in working arrangements, different customer expectations, a high demand for "always-on" systems and the rapid introduction of new digital processes. We witnessed many business ceasing to trade, many downsizing and numerous business just not capable of coping with such disruption. However, we observed organisations adapt overnight to meet new demands, increase sales, improve profits and open new channels to market.
We asked ourselves why do some businesses prosper, when others decline.
We believe the answer is in optimisation. Those organisations that were able to modify their workforce behaviours, quickly adopt new go to market models, seamlessly engage with their customers and create "on the fly" plans and product innovations were the companies that realised growth. The long held view of static strategies, multiyear business plans and staid organisational systems and process being "rock solid" has proven to be inflexible, slow to adapt and way to costly to modify; let alone the expense of engaging a highly priced consultancy firm in the first place to develop it!
The alternative is to have agile "outcome based" business models which are enabled by contemporary systems that can be quickly configured to meet the changing business need. Having improved automation. greater management of business objectives; using democratised and organisational wide strategic plans, enriched employee communications or simply better workforce management tools to deliver measurable business outcomes.
Scanning the globe for highly scalable, extremely adaptable and organisational wide solutions which provide extreme business agility, Graeme and Roland decided to focus on core business area's which would "make a difference" to how a business performs and where a business can improve on "getting things done", leading to an improved bottom line.
Optko executed partnerships with key software solution providers and key business advisors that can build a future direction. It maybe to enhance what is already in place and works well, but needs some refinement, or it may be to replace with something "new and better"
In late 2021, Optko was born.
We believe in your success and that optimisation technology can help you achieve the best results for your business.
Optko was founded on a vision to look at things from a different viewpoint. We are provocative, we bring ideas and introduce concepts and systems that challenge the "status quo" but use proven solutions that can deliver measurable business improvement.
We predict the future by creating it
Leadership – we are thought leaders inspiring organisations to think differently.
Customer centric – our customers are at the centre of everything we do.
Collaborative – together we can make the changes.
Results Driven – drive change, deliver results.
Integrity – trust based relationships.
Innovative – continual focus on improvement.
Our Values
Who are we
Business Innovators
We look at ways to innovate what you do, so you can do it better, and you can focus on what matters, your customers and your employees.
Project Managers
All of our Project Managers are certified and hold tertiary qualification. They are skilled in delivering your project to the outcome you would expect. Our motto is "no excuses, never".
Solution Designers & Engineers
Our solution designers have an extensive background in business analysis, and work together with you to ensure the solution meets your requirements and satisfies your business objectives,
Advisors and Consultants
All of our consultants have specialist experience in the field of WFM and supply chain technologies who can help improve and grow your bsuiness. data needs of your business.

Why choose us?
Global experience
We bring partners with global strength. Our goal is to provide leading, proven and innovative technology which is rapid to deploy and easy to use

We believe in your success and that Optimisation Technology can help you achieve the best results for your business.
Quality for value
We provide only the highest quality outcomes to our clients, no excuses, never!

Favorable terms
Each project we work on is tailored to the customers needs, so we delivery extreme value.
High standards
We take optimisation seriously, it is what we do, meaning that we only deliver work that we can be proud of.